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You’ve just invested in your most precious asset – your health.
Thank you so much for making such a valuable investment in your life and your health with this course! Everyone here at Science of Prevention applauds you for committing to a happier, healthier future and taking the necessary steps to improve and maintain the health of your brain.
We’re confident that once you start making the changes we’ve covered in this series, you will start thinking more clearly, forgetting less, and generally feeling better throughout the day.
What happens next?
Check your inbox! You will be receiving an email shortly with instructions on how to watch and/or download your videos and digital resources. As soon as you receive this email, you can login to the Science of Prevention Portal to watch videos and check out your exciting new resources immediately!
If you invested in The Complete Package or the Digital & Physical Access package, your physical products are expected to ship within 3-4 weeks of the conclusion of the series.
Still have questions?
Ask for help or leave a comment! We are here to help you with whatever you need. Please reach out to our support team at support@scienceofprevention.com.
Also, please keep us up-to-date on your success in implementing this information and when you see meaningful improvements in your health.